My adventure to Birka

A little less than a year a go I went to my first SCA event. It was the first event by Ravensbridge on May 16th. Huginn and Muninn was held at the Monmouth Fish and Game.  There was lots going on, but it was still a small event with Arts and Science, Thrown Weapons, Archery, Fencing, Heavy List, and Feast. I had a wonderful time even though I was recovering from a surgery about 2 weeks earlier.  They are planning on doing this event yearly, although the venue may change. Anyways…  This is a group of people who I’ve gotten … Continue reading My adventure to Birka

5 things I learned from Ingress Gettysburg Anomaly

Quick and dirty of it. TEAMWORK!!! Stick to the PLAN! It’s not all about you. Keep fighting for it. Toads are people too. Okay, there may be a bit of overlap in some of these areas but let me explain further. Teamwork – We as the Resistance (blue/smurfs) are all on the same team. The goal is still the same, keep blue portals blue and take green ones.  And all the other jazz that goes along with the story line (videos). So fighting between ourselves is never a good idea. Teamwork in smaller groups, areas, or such is also key. … Continue reading 5 things I learned from Ingress Gettysburg Anomaly

Twelve years ago… and twelve years before that…

You know what happened twelve years ago this week? I was twenty-eight and I started a new job, my first “full-time, with benefits” job for the State. I became a third generation State Employee. I carpooled in to work with my brother who worked on The Hill and listened to Dave Ramsey on our way home each evening.  I was living with my mother & her third husband, who took my kids to school or daycare for me every other day. My kids were 8 and 5 at the time.  My ex-husband and I had been divorced only a year … Continue reading Twelve years ago… and twelve years before that…

What goes up, must come down…

Today I had planned on hiking up to the fire tower on the top of Pisgah, as we townies like to call it.  My friend at work had suggested it and I figured why not, it’d get me out & moving.  So I met Gerry at 10AM to hike up.  I haven’t been up this hill in YEARS so I wasn’t sure what to expect.  The road was redone and fairly new, it’s nice.  There’s two trails up the mountain, one on each side of the road. We took the trail on the left called Tower Trail.  The incline was … Continue reading What goes up, must come down…

Mainer in Vermont

My trip to Vermont. So my friends from Vermont who lived up here for a few short years (which is how I met them) have been asking me to come down for a visit.  I had picked a couple of dates out, but the first one didn’t work.  So last weekend we took off to Vermont, my daughter & I. Day 1: We got up at 4:30 and planned on leaving straight away, but we didn’t get under way until 6 AM. We decided not to take the Turnpike but to take US route 202 through Maine, in to NH, and then … Continue reading Mainer in Vermont

MIA & Shut your mouth

Sorry I’ve been MIA for a week or so… Trip to Vermont from EARLY Friday to mid day Monday last week. I can on occasion slip in to that typical mindset of being judgmental and snarky in a mean way.  This weekend I found myself saying such things.  As a guest in a community, that I do not know & I have a limited glimpse in to, I need to not open my mouth.  After one particular statement I made I realized what I was doing and felt horrible about it. (They weren’t really bad comments & nothing personal, more … Continue reading MIA & Shut your mouth

Camping & Celebration

I went camping last weekend and it was nice (other than the rain on Friday). However I did not bring my kayak like I had wanted. Seemed pointless for one day.  I did get a LOT of walking in.  The morning walks were my favorite down around the water’s edge.  I also walked the loop up around the “hill” and back. It was a beautiful Saturday for communing with nature. (as much as you get at a campground.)  Read about more of it here. ME FIRST had their annual (2nd annual) CELEBRATION this past week. I have nothing to compare … Continue reading Camping & Celebration